Sperm whale Bone | Roimata

Aorere Pounamu

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Sperm whale Bone | Roimata
Sperm whale Bone | Roimata
Sperm whale Bone | Roimata
Sperm whale Bone | Roimata

A traditional teardrop pendant which is known to the Māori of New Zealand as the Roimata.

Blessed Sperm Whale Jaw Bone hand carved by Ben Callow of Aorere Pounamu

Here in the South Pacific whales are treasured as bearers of good luck and joy, they are revered for their speed and strength. Whale pendants are believed to offer protection when travelling, especially over water. If you have had the good fortune to observe them in their natural habitat you will appreciate their gentle nature.

Physiologically they have things in common with humans - spindle neurons in their brains, similar to ours, that are involved in social conduct, emotions and certain nurturing behaviours - perhaps that's why we feel such an empathy for these magnificent creatures of the deep.

These ocean cruisers that can reach around 12-16 meters in length and up to 30 tonnes - these are mighty creatures so it is a real pleasure to have one carved so beautifully for you.

Sperm whale bone carvings in Māori culture can have many meanings, including:

Connection to the whale
Whales were considered supernatural beings and harbingers of spiritual growth, and some tribes believed they were descendants of Tangaroa, the ocean god. Carving whales was a way to honor the gift of a whale stranding.
Whales were believed to help Māori navigate the South Pacific and were a symbol of protection.
Pendants made from sperm whale bone may have conferred the whale's mana on the wearer.
Ornaments made from whale bone were especially precious and were only worn by nobility

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